7. sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı sayfa 84, 85, 86 cevapları SDR Yayıncılık

Bu yazıda “7. sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı sayfa 84, 85, 86 cevapları SDR Yayıncılık” sorularının cevaplarını kısaca yazdık. 7. sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı 6. ünite Celebrations konularına ait sayfa  84, 85, 86 cevaplarını yazdık. SDR Dikey Yayıncılık.


7. sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı sayfa 84, 85, 86 cevapları SDR Yayıncılık


1 Quiz Do the quiz. Then check your answers.

What type of a party person are you?

Ne tür bir parti insanısınız?

Uygun şıkkı kendinize göre işaretleyebilirsiniz veya bizim işaretlediklerimiz olabilir. En alttaki şıklara göre nasıl bir insan olduğunuzu söyleyecek.

1. At a party do you like
a) dancing?
b) chatting?
c) watching DVDs?

2. Who do you like to be with at a party?
a) everybody.
b) just people I know.
c) only the host.

3. If there is a game at the party, do you
a) try to win?
b) play for a short time?
c) make sure everyone knows the rules?

2 Song TRACK
6 a) Listen to the song and fill in the missing words with the words below

Let’s Have A Party Tonight
Let’s have a party tonight.
……...blow out.……………… the candles.
Burn the fireworks.
Get the ……..presents..…..
Let’s have a party tonight.
Let’s arrange.
Let’s invite.
Let’s have ……fun….
Together, together,
Let’s have a party all together.
Graduation, ……...wedding..… ,
Farewell , ………...welcome…, birthday
Are the reasons for a party.
Come on, come on all together,
Let’s have a party tonight

b) Why do people have parties?

Because people do party celebrations for some events.


Linda and Timothy are going to a party tomorrow. They sent text messages to each other. Read
the messages and put them in the right order.

Linda ve Timothy yarın bir partiye gidiyor. Birbirlerine metin mesajları gönderdiler. okumak Mesajları doğru sıraya koyunuz.











2 TRACK 7 Listen and check your answers.

3 Look at the list below and circle the things they talk about

● a football match ● a birthday party
how to meet ● what to eat and drink
how to go ● what to wear
what to buywhen to go

4 Project Work in pairs. Imagine you’re going to attend your classmate’s birthday party.
Make arrangements about how to go, what to buy, etc. on the phone. Record your phone call.

Çiftler halinde proje çalışması yapılacak.. Sınıf arkadaşınızın doğum günü partisine katılacağınızı hayal edin.
Telefonda nasıl gidileceği, ne alınacağı vb. İle ilgili düzenlemeler yapın. Telefon görüşmenizi kaydedin.


Reading Plus 6

1 These words appear in the text. What is the text about?

celebrate organise balloons cake guests dance presents decorate

The text about is birthday party

2 Complete the text with the words in Activity 1.

In the USA, a girl’s sixteenth birthday is very important in her life because she is almost an adult.
American teenage girls usually .celebrate………………their sixteenth birthday at home with all their friends and family. They
.organise….………….. a party, …...decorate..……….. the house with …baloons..…….., and they often have a DJ to play music. Of course, there is always a birthday ….cake……………, and there are a lot of snacks and beverages.
Teenagers usually get very generous presents from their parents for this special birthday. Parents often buy their
children a car for their sixteenth birthday. After the birthday, the girl receives all her ...present..……. from the …guests..,
and it’s time to …..dance………. and have fun.

3 Read the text and answer the questions

1. How do teenage girls celebrate their sixteenth birthdays?

..…They organise a party, decorate the house with balloons, and a DJ plays music……..

2. Why is the age of sixteen important for girls in the USA?

..…Because girls become almost adutls……..

3. Where do they organise a party for their birthdays?

..…They organise the pary in their houses.…………. .

4. Who attends their birthdays?

.….Their family and friends……

5. What do they eat and drink?

……They eat have a birthday cake, snacks, beverages…..

6. What presents do the girls get from their parents?

…Parents often buy their children a car for their sixteenth birthday………….

6. ünite diğer sayfaların cevaplarını aşağıdaki linkten okuyabilirsiniz.

7.sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı 6. Ünite Celebrations cevapları

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