7. sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı sayfa 87, 88, 89, 90 cevapları SDR Yayıncılık

Bu yazıda “7. sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı sayfa 87, 88, 89, 90 cevapları SDR Yayıncılık” sorularının cevaplarını kısaca yazdık. 7. sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı 6. ünite Celebrations konularına ait sayfa  87, 88, 89, 90 cevaplarını yazdık. SDR Dikey Yayıncılık.

7. sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı sayfa 87, 88, 89, 90 cevapları SDR Yayıncılık


Vocabulary Plus 6

1 Choose the correct words.

1. The presents/guests are wearing party hats.
2. Judy is opening her birthday presents/decorations.
3. Harry is buying coloured balloons for the decorations/guests of his party.
4. It’s my birthday. Let’s have a parade/party!
5. It’s time to send the guests invitation balloons/invitation cards for the wedding.

2 Complete the sentences with these words.

celebrate have fun unwrap invite organise decorate fancy refuse

1. I want to ……...invite ……………………… everyone in my class to the party.
2. Music! Dancing! Let’s …….have fun..….
3. We always ………….celebrate..…. my grandmother’s birthday with a special dinner.
4. It’s a shame to ……refuse.…. an invitation.
5. Do you ……..fancy…….. going out tonight?
6. Erkan can …..organise…….. the meeting. He is the best!
7. You can ………decorate…….. the room with the balloons.
8. I’m very excited when I …….unwrap…… the present.


3 Tom is making plans for a party. Complete the speech bubbles with can or let.

…..Can……………… I get the food?

Well, ….Let………………. me make a poster.

Can I help? ...Let…………….. me check the equipment. I ..can.…………choose the music.

Thanks. That’s great!

4 Complete the dialogues with the expressions in the list.

Not really, thanks.

Yes, please. I’m thirsty.

That would be great.

A: Would you like something to drink, Mary?
B: ..Yes, please. I’m thirsty……
A: Would you like some coke?
B: …Not really thanks.…….
A: How about some lemonade then?
B: …That would be great.……….

How about a Chinese sandwich?
I’d like a tuna sandwich.

A: Would you like something to eat?
B: Yes, please. ..I would a like tuna sandwich.…………
A: Sorry.There isn’t any left.
…..How about a Chinese sandwich?.……
B: That would be fine.


Writing Plus 6

1 Answer these questions.

1. Have you got a special birthday that you celebrate in your country? …..No We don’t..………..
2. How do you celebrate birthdays in your country? …..We celebrate birthdays my family and my friends……
3. Where do you celebrate birthdays? ….We celebrate bithdays in our houses....
4. What do you do? ……….We dance, eat food and cake, give apresent….
5. What do you eat? ….We eat cake and cookies, drinks……………..

2 Read the “Thank You Card” below. Write a “Thank You Card” to a friend for your surprise birthday party.

Thanks for your surprise birthday party. The cake
was delicious, and your presents were lovely. You
were with me, and I was very happy. Thank you.

Teşekkür kartımızı şu şekilde yazabiliriz.

Thanks for the surprise birthday party. I’m happy.

The gifts were very nice. The cake was very nice.

Thanks for coming to my birthday party.


Self-check 6


1-Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. Shall we …....invite…………………….. Louise and Pete for a meal next Saturday?
2. Isabel’s parents …..arrange………………………. a big party for her birthday every year.
3. Let’s …decorate..………….. the cake with cherries and nuts.
4. I’m afraid I can’t ….attend.……………….. tonight’s meeting.
5. I don’t …….fancy………….. going out in this rain.

2 Complete the text with one word in each space: have, decorate, wear, eat, don’t, stay, this, plays, at, doesn’t.

We’re having a party at our house tonight because it’s my birthday. There aren’t many people this
year, just my cousins and some friends. We are going to 1. ….decorate.……………. the house with red balloons,
2. ...wear..………………………. fancy dress costumes and 3. ……….eat.…….. a big meal, but my mum 4. ..doesn’t.………………..
want to cook again, so we’re getting a takeaway pizza 5. …..this………………………. evening! My dad always
6. …..plays………………… his guitar, and we normally have fireworks in the garden 7. ..at..………………………..
midnight. Our dogs 8. ….don’t.………………………. like the fireworks or dad’s guitar, so they are going to
9. ….stay…………………. in my bedroom. We’re going to 10. ..have….………………. a lot of fun this evening!


3 Complete the dialogues with the expressions given

1. A: ….Can I have an ice cream cone..……………………, please?
B: Yes, of course.
2. A: What …….would you like to drink..……….., Steve?
B: I’d like a coke, please.

3. A: ...Would you like some tea.…….?
B: Not really.
4. A: How about some coffee?
B: …That would be great….…. .

6. ünite diğer sayfaların cevaplarını aşağıdaki linkten okuyabilirsiniz.

7.sınıf İngilizce ders kitabı 6. Ünite Celebrations cevapları

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